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A Message from the Head Manager: May 29, 2016


Sherwood Forest Members,


All of us on the staff are excited to be spending our summers with all of you at the pool. A lot of work has gone into Sherwood over the past weeks to make for a great summer.


First of all, due to poor weather yesterday and this afternoon, we’ve pushed the Robin Hood Raffle drawing back until tomorrow in case anyone was waiting to turn in tickets while spending the day at the pool.


Also, in order to save money, we close early many evenings. Occasionally, someone comes out to the pool for a quick swim, only to find our doors closed. This year, to prevent any confusion, if no members are at the pool an hour before close, which would be 6:45, we will close early. Payroll is our biggest expense so being able to send everyone home saves us a lot of money. If you are planning on coming in later, after 6:45, simply call us at (937) 275-1111 and we’ll be happy to keep it open for you.


We will be posting closings, as well as other information, on our Facebook page,, and on our website,


Hopefully, we will see many of you tomorrow with better weather than the rest of this weekend.


-Matt Sells

Sherwoof Forest Head Manager



A Message from the Board President: April 28, 2016




Many thanks to all of you who volunteered your time this past Saturday working at the pool as we prepare for the upcoming season.  Thank you to the Whistlers, the Bolls, Brian Meyer, Mike Moosberger, Ryan Kutter, Lee Davis, Duane Forstoff, the Roberts, and Ellen Brown.  We were able to accomplish the majority of the power washing of the pool, as well as clear the Baby Pool fenceline of all the over growth.  


We are planning on working this Saturday, weather permitting .  We will continue to sand the picinic tables, power wash and clean the pool floor and walls, as well as cleaning the pool grounds.  Please bring any neccessary tools to accomplish these tasks.  Our goal is to increase the "curb appeal" by opening day.  As I have stated before, many hands make light work.  We greatly appreciate any time you can spare to help with the tasks at hand.


Remember our fundraising opportunites are around the corner.  We NEED volunteers for Hamvention, which is the weekend of May 20, 2016.  Friday and Saturday are the busiest days of the weekend.  Please contact Corry Kutter or Matt Sells to sign up.  Finally, keep selling raffle tickets!  The turn in date is May 28th.  


Thanks again for all of your support.



Matt Brown

Sherwood Forest Board President


A Message from the Board President: April 21, 2016




Sending a reminder emial to everyone that we will be at the pool every Saturday (weather permitting and as need) getting the pool and grounds ready for the upcoming season.  Please see the listed projects below and please bring any necessary tools with you on Saturday.  The more people/hands we have working the more we can accomplish.


1. Pool has been completely drained and ready for power washing and scrubbing

  • Please bring; push brooms, and squeegees to move any standing water.

  • Deck brushes, brillo pads, srubing equiptment for the floor, side walls and scum line/gutter


2.  Front shrubbery and baby pool fence line

  • Please bring:

    • Chain saws, saws, loppers, shears, snips, and rakes.

    • Shovels to remove old bushes

3.  Refinishing Picinc tables;

  • Please Bring:

    • Belt Sander

    • Black Spray paint

    • Varnish or deck stain



Also, please take a look at your calendar for the weekend of May 20th as that is the annual Hamvention weekend at Hara Arena.  As I stated in my previous email, this is a big fundraiser for Sherwood Forest, but it takes a lot of people and volunteer hours to work the weekend.  Please carve out some time to help out at the concession stand during the event.  As well, please continue selling the Robinhood Raffle tickets to friends, family, neighbors, and/or Co-Workers. Both of these fundraisers are great opportunites for Sherwood to raise funds for necessary expenses.   


Looking forward to another great summer at the pool.


Thank you,


Matt Brown


Sherwood Forest Board President


A Message from the Board President: March 6, 2016




    I hope everyone had a wonderful off season and you are looking forward to another Sherwood Forest summer as were are quickly approaching opening day, May 28, 2016.   By now you should have recieved your 2016 memebership statement and raffle tickets.  It is very important to have the membership form with payment submitted ASAP.  As well, the board has decieded to go ahead with a 2nd year of the Robin Hood Raffle as we were able to pay out all weekly winnings and still raise $1200 for the pool.  


   Fundraising is a vital aspect of the pool's existence and we highly encourage everyone to participate in some way.  Selling the Robin Hood raffle tickets is an easy and exciting way to participate.  Like last year year, we need each memeber unit to sell 10 tickets at $12.00 each.  All tickets and money need to be submitted to the board by the end of the pool day on May 28th.  Our first weekly drawing will be held on Sunday May 29, 2016 for $500 as outlined on the yellow paper included with your membership statement.  Also, as in past years, Sherwood Forest will work a large concession stand at Hamvention which will take place from May 20 - 22, 2016 at Hara Arena.  For many years the Hamvention concession stand has been a successful fundraiser, but requires many volunteers to donate there time.  Please consider helping out this year as the more volunteers we have, the better.  These are excellent fundraisers for the pool, but require many hands and time.  The money raised from these fundraisers will go towards any necessary repairs for 2016 (new pump impeller) and pay off any accrued debt.  The Sherwood Forest Board greatly appreciates your help and support with the fundrasing efforts.


   We will begin prepping the pool for opening day on Saturday April 9, permitting.  As usual we will beginning draining and cleaning the pool walls and floor which is a time consuming process.  Scrub brushes, brillo pads, power washers and elbow grease are needed.  Once the pool is drained, cleaned and dry, we will paint any neccessary areas.   Thank you in advance to all of those who volunteer their time as Sherwood Forest is one of the nicest and cleanest pools in the GDSA league.  We will also look to complete the following list of chores;

  • Cut and clear the wild bushes/trees/brush that has taken over the Baby Pool fence line.  Replant any dead shrubbery (donation)

  • Clean the exterior perimeter and lot of any trash and fallen debris.  

  • Continue painting the exterior walls of the building which was started by Guy Boll last summer.  

  • Clean and repair any tables, chairs and picnic tables.  


   The Sherwood Forest Board would like to thank everyone who helped last season and thank you in advance for their help this season.  We are looking forward to another enjoyable summer at the pool and a successful swimming season.




Thank You,


Matt Brown

Sherwood Forest Board President



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